Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Penguins at the Falkland Islands / Islas Malvinas

Click here for more Falkland Islands photos

To quote Basil Fawlty, "don't mention the War!" It's a sore topic with Argentina, which still considers Las Malvinas to be Argentine territory.
But the Falkland Islands, as they are known to the residents and to the UK, are a remote, desolate place, devoid of trees or even shrubs. Still collecting land mines left over from the 1982 war, it radiates a foreboding atmosphere and a sense of desolation.
The Anglican Cathedral with whalebone sculpture

Looks British, right?
In fact, there is a weekly flight from the islands, and in 18 hours one can reach London! So the 2,500 residents and 2,000 British soldiers have that.

To reach the penguins, we travel by 4 wheel drive for about 2.5 hours over hill and dale to reach a our destination; a beautiful, remote, and colorful beach.
Rescues 'R Us

I guess we have traveled a total of about 20 miles, but once one leaves the capitol "city" of Port Stanley, off roading is the mode of transport.

The Falklands are a beautiful place with smart interesting people. Difficult to get to but very worth the visit.

Magellanic Penguins nest in the ground!
Uh 1 and uh 2 and uh...
I don't know, you wanna go in? It looks cold.
Guys, just follow me, okay?
Everyone here?
You didn't expect this, did you? Penguins and sheep grazing together.

1 comment:

  1. I love these pictures! The only thing better than a penguin picture, is penguins and sheep together. :-) Didn't know you all were going to Falkland Islands. What an amazing trip.
